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20.06.2023Replacement of technological and steam pipes in Sectors 1,2,3 and Area 2 Liquefied Gas Tank Farm (PGL)" at PETROTEL-LUKOIL S.A.0 ₽ - 0 ₽
22.05.2023Works of maintenance and repairs at dynamic equipments within Petrotel-Lukoil, in the period of June 2023 - February 20260 ₽ - 0 ₽
14.12.2022Providing Maintenance Services for the Refinery’s General Equipment and Systems, including for the Treatment Station and Firefighting System, for the period 2023-2024, at PETROTEL-LUKOIL SA, /5 lots/0 ₽ - 0 ₽
06.04.2021Tender No. 19.TK.TND.PETRO.2021 Works of Overhaul and Repairs for Under Pressure Equipment in Petrotel-Lukoil S.A. within the Overhaul 2021 / 2 lots» «Тендер №19.TK.TND.PETRO.2021 на выполнение капитальных и ремонтных работ для оборудования, работающего под давлением на НПЗ PETROTEL-LUKOIL S.A., во время капитального ремонта в 2021 году /2 лота/» 0 ₽ - 0 ₽
20.06.2023Repairs of technological and steam pipes from Petrotel Lukoil S.A. in the Process Shutdown of 20230 ₽ - 0 ₽